The Swan Effect - Creating and Sustaining Your Financial Wellbeing

S3 E5: Young & Free

Arthi Rabikrisson and Malika Petersen Season 3 Episode 5

In Season 3 episode 5 it is all about the youth!

Arthi & Malika have dedicated this episode to providing the youth with tips  on how to take action and have a better understanding about  managing finances and investments, that can pave the way for a very prosperous future. 

Arthi splits the focus in 3 main categories, the first being changing your perspective, mindset and narrative about money. Key to this is visualizing your dream or life that you want and writing down your goals and achievements. 

Malika considers the physical financial actions that one can take to change not only your financial situation but the situation of your family. A key action, for example, that the youth can take with parents, is to start having the conversation about budgeting and the importance of having a will or life cover. Another tough but vital  conversation is the opportunity for future education & the expectations around the money needed for this. 

Practical ideas are offered around considering sources of income, becoming financially savvy with that money and how to start building towards financial freedom. 

SO, listen in to hear Malika and Arthi discuss:

  • being in the right mindset & adapting your perspective 
  • creating a budget with parents
  • the importance of speaking to a financial advisor regardless of your financial status
  • having a form of income irrespective of your age
  • knowing a need versus a want
  • avoiding debt

and so much more

Remember: “financial well being is more than just having money in the bank”

And take heed of the incredible offer by Coach Arthi about understanding your child's agility. Visit for more information and email to claim your discount during the month of June 2024!

We would love to hear your views based on the concepts covered in this episode. 
Do rate, write a review, and share with others.

This episode is proudly sponsored by Old Mutual Wealth.

Malika Petersen:

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Arthi Rabikrisson:

Hi there. I'm Arthi Rabikrisson

Malika Petersen:

Hello, I'm Malika Peterson.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

Welcome to

Malika Petersen:

The Swane fit podcast.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

Money makes the world go round yet it's not so easy to understand its complexities, particularly when it comes to investing.

Malika Petersen:

That's why Arthi and I are using this platform to educate, inspire and help you gain confidence in your relationship with money

Arthi Rabikrisson:

so that you can better manage your finances and investments.

Malika Petersen:

We are two women in finance.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

That's pretty cool, isn't it?

Malika Petersen:

It certainly is. You've been in stock broking private wealth management, asset management and now an award winning business woman who is coaching and assisting businesses with capital and strategic advice

Arthi Rabikrisson:

and Malika you have a wealth of experience in wealth excuse the plan in financial planning, investments and relationship management. So you're also at the coalface when it comes to where and how people are investing bothgetting it right and getting it wrong

Malika Petersen:

and stuck in the grey areas too. Indeed, I've seen the many phases and moods of financial cycle and how our decisions that those times impact us. So listeners and subscribers if you are looking to get unstuck, feel empowered and make some strides in how you tackle your money, we are here to help you.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

And it all starts with listening to this upcoming episode. Enjoy

Malika Petersen:

Hi Arthi and our amazing listeners Welcome to the month of June. It's literally my favourite time of year in South Africa, the leaves a brownie and carpeting the ground in the various beautiful autumn shades and the mornings are nice and cool and refreshing. The days in Gauteng are nice and warm and inviting. And the nights are just chill enough to make you want to snuggle up with somebody special. It's absolutely my favourite time of year. But it's also the time of year that we celebrate youth month in South Africa. And I must admit that the weather along with all that we've over come truly to makes me proud to be a South African.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

Oh, Hi, Malika. Look, I love that intro. It is so amazing how much we've overcome over this time. I mean, I look at what is happening around the world. And I'm just reminded that, that thirty years ago, we had our first democratic election in South Africa, everyone so we still a young democracy. And yet we have achieved so much in fields of medicine, sport music, even. And of course, June is actually a very special month for me Malika, because it's my birthday month. Now, as a student, let me just tell you this, I really didn't actually get a chance to celebrate my birthday much because I was actually writing exams every year during that time. Yeah, while I was studying, it was awful. It was terrible. I couldn't really celebrate. But you know, as an adult, I make time to celebrate now and also to reflect on the journey thus far. And of course, I'm always so filled with gratitude for all that life has given me, you know, the good and the bad, of course, but you know, when I think about the good, I think about all of that goodness that you know, comes through in the month of June, particularly because in South Africa, Malika, we talk about youth and it is as you said youth month and in South Africa, everybody we have a dedicated special day, called Youth Day being the 16th of June. that we celebrate our youth.

Malika Petersen:

I've been thinking about this quite a bit Arthi and I have realised that 30 years on, we could have had a very different story had it not been for the youth of this country and the way they chose to behave in the years following up this democratic elections. So you were recently the key speaker at a financial planning conference

Arthi Rabikrisson:

I was

Malika Petersen:

and the theme was the face of tomorrow. And I can tell you now, the future is so bright, like I really, really want to commend the young people in South Africa, you ever truly made your ancestors proud to our international listeners, that's quite a big thing in South Africa, we always talking about how we want to make sure that our ancestors are proud. And I can tell you this that I believe truly, truly made your ancestors proud and now it's time that you ensure that you take forward a financial future that spans many generations to come right. I believe that you are the generation that has the best chance of creating real intergenerational wealth. And I'm so excited about the opportunities that the youth have today in South Africa. The reality however, is that very many young South Africans still have difficulty seeing those opportunities because of their circumstances. So I mean, our history has shown that it really does take one person to change their behaviour in such a way that it impacts the financial futures of entire families significantly. So all families for generations to come, get impacted by one person taking a decision to act differently. So today, I'm really excited for us to share some tips on how young people can take action and kind of start to move in the right direction. financial well being is more than just having money in the bank guys. It's about feeling secure in your financial future, and being able to make the choices that allow you to just live and enjoy your life. And for young South Africans, understanding and managing finances can pave the way for a very prosperous future. So let's dive into some of the key ways thatyou got to get to achieve this right.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

I think I love what you've said, because it's making me think about like three key parts actually, that we can showcase in our episode today, Malika. So everyone, the first one is actually the physical financial actions that you can take to change your financial situations and the ways that you can influence family members to take actions that will influence their for the family's financial future, as well. But first, I think I want us to talk about the activities that young people can do to actually change their perspective, everyone. Now, if you've listened into previous episodes, you'll know Malika and I we're big about mindset. We're big about habit changes. And I think this is key to underscore as well, as you just said, Malika in South Africa, we have this unique past, and as a result, many people find themselves in Well, I mean, really dire financial situations, in the same way that intergenerational wealth spans multiple generations of families, so to unfortunately, can poverty everyone, it can be passed down from generation to generation. So the first thing in my opinion, most important step that our young people would need to take is to change their perspective and self talk so that they can have the best fighting chance at breaking this poverty cycle. Now, I know that some of this may sound a little bit, you know, a little bit out there everybody, but it's really, really important to understand that, you know, that wealthy individuals, they actually prioritise this, okay, even above physical money making activities. I know the sounds, you know, like, okay Arthi really is that true? Yes, it is. Okay, so, let's give you a couple of example of some of these activities. Okay, so maybe the first thing you want to think about is when you wake up in the morning, that sense of gratitude and feeling grateful, okay, now, I know if you're in difficult situations, or in a difficult circumstance, it might be really, really difficult to do that. But think about it. In every single moment of our lives of living. There are beautiful moments of gratitude that can be found in the very simplest of things. For example, a beautiful sunny day to having your family and friends around you. And also you know, if you're able to do things like meditation, for example, that brings a such a beautiful sense of peace and calm to you as well. We could also think about writing these gratitude pieces down on paper as well. It becomes such a great reflection over time, when you look back at it as well, builds up a lot of positive energy in yourself and can propel your day, your week, your month and ultimately your future in a very different way.

Malika Petersen:


Arthi Rabikrisson:

The second thing I want you to think about is the power of visualisation. You may have heard about it, maybe you already experienced it. But if you're able to visualise something, for example, your dream life, the reality is, is that Malika and I believe in the universe, bringing things to us in very, very interesting ways that dream can become a reality. So everyone, make sure to take a moment, close your eyes, seeing yourself, envision yourself living that life that you desire, it could be difficult at first, I know, there's often a lot of noise and other things that will come into your thought processes. But you know, give it a try, the bigger you dream, and the more realistic it starts to become, actually, you know, it gets easier because guess what this beautiful organ called your brain starts to get into work in the background and tries to figure things out for you. Remember, it's a problem solving tool. So it's going to help you get step by step towards that dream. Another thing you can do everyone, just like you are writing down things that make you grateful for being here for being alive for your day. You can also write down five things that you feel you've achieved. And that brings you a really, really great sense of joy as if they've already happened. So for example, can you imagine through the visualisation process perhaps that you feel, you know what I want to be debt free everybody with a great visualisation, put it down as this is a goal I want to get this is my achievement, I'm going to be able to say to myself, I am debt free. Another one. I am wealthy, I am abundance, anything along those lines. I want to have multiple sources of income, put it out there. Put it is if you've achieved it, it can happen. The fourth one I want to mention is we always say this don't we Mallika read, read read. Oh my goodness, read some more. Read as many books as you can and learn from those that have achieved well, okay, from the likes of Suze Orman, Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki, as well as Richard Branson, the list is literally endless, everybody. In fact, I actually saw Malika, Forbes released earlier this year, sometime in January, an article titled The 2024 must read books for achieving your financial goals. And you know, all of these authors have mentioned the books were there. But there's a whole lot more that was on that list, everyone do a quick Google search and find them guarantee, they're going to give you some really, really great insights that can help you on your way. We always say Malika and I knowledge is power. And everyone that power actually comes from within the right mindset backed with the practical information that we share with you can significantly help you our youth break from all of these sort of disruptive financial cycles that we find ourselves in it,

Malika Petersen:

Ya Arthi I think it's important that we share that mental aspect of building wealth is really important and as you know, I for one have been on a journey to improve this aspect of my life. And I can tell you now, it has made a massive difference, right? And, and I wanted to really, really, really understand the importance of that, having the right mentality around wealth. Now, let's talk a little bit about some of the actions that young people can take to influence their family members.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

Okay, good.

Malika Petersen:

Now, before we talk about these actions, I want to make something very clear, especially as young South African, it is very difficult to have financial conversations with our parents. I'm fully aware of that, right. I recently read a quote by somebody who said, you can never repay your parents no matter how much they gave you, because they'll always give you more than they had. And that's a very important key point that we need to understand. And that's when navigating the conversation with our family members is an important one. So let's start by kind of helping the youth understand what they need to talk to the parents about. Right. So number one, let's let's the you need to talk to your parents about drawing up a budget. Now, again, I know this isn't an easy conversation, but it is an important one. And I want to encourage you that if you have difficulty having this conversation, what you could do, you could encourage your parents to download a budgeting tool or a spending tracker, like 22 Seven. Now we all know that most of the older generation, they're going to go to the younger kids to say, help me to load this thing. I don't know how to load that is encouraging them and just the act of helping them to set it up. It'll allow you to have a budgeting conversation that can you know you could during that conversation possibly become something that you've read or that you've seen online that can really assist you parents with reducing their budget. I've seen this quite a few times where parents don't even realise that they have options that are maybe more cost effective and you might be able to bring up some tips to help them. Secondly, ensure that you parents have an up to date will and that you are aware of when the will is right, or who to contact person for any kinds of life insurance policies or any life cover, I'll always tell people that my why is the fact that my dad died at the age of 47. He was self employed and had no cover to speak of. And my family had to basically rebuild, because we're so dependent on him financially. And that's why I do what I do. I know this isn't an easy conversation, especially for kids to have with their parents, but it is, but it is an imperative one. Very often, young people are not involved in the financial planning conversation and this can lead to and use this when one or both meetings passes on time really do want to encourage the youth have the conversation with your parents make sure they understand the importance of having a will in place make sure they understand the importance of having life cover in the even of their death.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

So important. Yes Malika , definitely.

Malika Petersen:

Then the third thing, encourage your parents to see a financial advisor at least once a year. Now, you know, you and I talk about this quite a bit. And what I've realised in my conversation and some of the work that, you know, that I've done with people, often the step is underestimated, especially when people haven't achieved the wealth that they aspire to. So when people haven't achieved the wealth that they aspire to, they go, Oh, why should I go into financial advisor don't have enough money to talk to a financial advisor. But the conversation is specially in fact, I would argue more important in families that are building their wealth and the reason for this is that a financial advisor will help you put a plan together that makes it be achievement of your financial goals more realistic. And they have tools and knowledge and competencies that you don't have to be able to make sure that you achieve those financial goals. Also, most financial advisors actually grow with the families that they serve. And that long term relationship is extremely important because it means that they are able to guide families through their financial decisions. They're able to assist families to bounce information, financial information from them, they're able to they know things in terms of changes to the financial landscape that most of us don't know. So that's a key thing. They have to be prepared to have to see a financial evaluate once a year, and preferrably find one that they feel comfortable with and creates creates a relationship a long standing relationship right. Then lastly, understand the situation with regards to your educational planning. Now, this is again a tough conversation to have. And if you're in your late teens, and you can't even your your later years in high school, it really is important for you to know whether it will be expected for you to get a bursary or to take out a student loan or if there has been a plan that's been made for your education post matric. Now, Arthi and I use the example before of when you're having these conversations with the kids what it allows you as the

Arthi Rabikrisson:

I mean, Malika, I think all of these youth to do is to take decisions that when you are older, so let points are so so important, what your underscoring here educational impact, the kind of relationship that our youth will me use an example. My kids love sneakers, it's a thing and have with their parents, as a result of that can again, as we expensive sneakers , Arthi son loves Lego. And you know, we can say, change the game for them. So I think it's just so have conversations with them and say okay, no problem, I can buy important. So, so important. And I think maybe now you know, that's it's such a nice perspective in terms of the this very expensive lego and buy this very expensive sneaker, or third element that we were talking about, that we want to talk about. And that is now about, well, what can our youth I can buy a slightly cheaper one, or let's leave it and we'll actually do for themselves to ensure they've got this best put it towards your education saving. It's gonna allow you and possible chance at creating this really, really beautiful financial future for themselves and for their families? Right. empower you to take the decisions when you're older, So one of the first things is get yourself an income stream as understanding what the situation is now you need to help your soon as possible. This can be a part time job, you know, or some parents also to understand the importance of your education. other form of income. You don't need to be a specific age to be And when you when you're helping them budget, you need to show able to earn money. I mean, Malika you and I we're seeing this entrepreneurs a bit kids are getting younger and younger. them how your education could potentially positively affect And in fact, it's starting with the simplest of ideas, be it their own financial futures. And I think that's a key point that washing the car, shining shoes, tutoring online or offline, even taking your skill online. I mean, that's such a big market we need to remember. at this point in time and being able to do and offer services in that way. Honestly, don't wait for perfection to begin. And if you need more details on that, I mean, just listen to previous episodes of our podcast where we've talked about things like side hustles, and all of that, really get that income stream coming in for yourself as soon as possible. And of course, if you do get that happening, then of course, the second thing you need to be doing is making sure you're becoming financially savvy from early on. Okay, so that's where you're going to be learning about income versus expenses, how to be disciplined, so that you can keep away as much as possible towards investments. And to be honest, we've said this so many times Malika, the sooner you start, even if you starting tomorrow, it's still sooner than two years from from now, right? The sooner you start investing, the more time your money has to grow. And we've said compounding is the eighth wonder of the year. It's a superpower. We keep stressing this in all of our episodes. So everyone, especially our youth, even the smallest amounts will add up over time. Did you know Warren Buffett I mean, who's is such a well known investor, everybody knows about him. He is said to actually started investing everyone at the age of 12. Wow, This is this is many, many years. I mean, how old is Warren Buffett? Buffett at this age, but imagine he started young. Okay, the third thing, and this is kind of aligned now to being financially savvy is budgeting ,okay so create a spending plan for yourself, track how and where the needs and your wants are being spent on versus how much money you actually have to do so. Okay, so I'm deliberately stressing our needs versus our wants because as Malika was saying, you know, those sneakers that the kids want those Legos that the kids want, those are not needs. Again, those are wants so identify what it is that I actually need money for. And then what are the additional pieces, and that will actually give you so much of clarity about where your money's going, and can actually help you make those conscious decisions about, okay, don't know what this I don't really need it, that money can be saved towards something else. That's deliberate action. That leads me on to the next point, which is about saving, alright, so aim to save at least 20% of your income or more, if you can, because remember, things like an emergency fund, they don't come out of thin air, you have to put savings towards it. And this emergency fund is really for that rainy days, it's not for tapping in when you've got a shortfall for something that you want. It's really there when you absolutely critically

Malika Petersen:

Absolutely needed like in a medical type of emergency are an absolute absolute financial cruncher on something important. It can also help you to plan for your future goals, your savings, alright, and we talking about financial education, all of that good stuff with a return on that is exceptionally high. Why wouldn't you want to put money towards that? The fifth piece is about avoiding debt to try to minimise how much you're borrowing, okay, if you must take on that debt, please do ensure you're doing so

Arthi Rabikrisson:

So, you know, expose yourself to events that so that you can better your chances of creating wealth. And these types of debt that we're talking about is things like student loans or business loans, even so things that will help you tangibly in terms of education or being able to generate or create more income, those types of things. Okay, this is an interesting one is a sixth one, right? But it's really about the choice of circle of friends that you have. So, you know, the thing is, is lots of people have shared examples of this and Malika and I have seen this happen for ourselves as well, you are as successful as the five people you spend your time most with. allow you to network with the right kind of people, who are actually going to help move you forward, we're gonna help you achieve your goals. Those are the people you want in your circle, even because, you know, you're going to add value to them, but more importantly, they are going to help you as well, too. And I think the last piece I'm going to add to Malika is probably seeking advice. Okay? I know it can be hard, especially when times are tough to be able to say I need a bit of help. I'm not sure what to do. I don't know where to start. Okay. The key is to just reach out, okay, start to actually learn by asking others learn some more. There's so many other portals as well like online. I mean, it's the big online world we living in, you can research tons of information. There's tonnes of videos and podcasts like ours, this online courses, seminars, even financial advisors to we've mentioned that already. Please know that there's a whole ecosystem of support that can offer you ideas and advice. Oh, Malika Whew. We went through like quite a whirlwind here with all of these three different aspects right, but I think we've really given our listeners a really healthy dose of ideas. Okay, and hopefully motivation, more importantly, to ensure that our youth can prioritise and reposition their identity and narrative around money. Okay, so everyone, if you're listening in if you have kids, if you work with young adults, or if you're in a position to influence and enable them, please do share our ideas with them. Get them to listen to this episode, because guess what? It could change their life significantly. And yours too.

Malika Petersen:

Yeah, I think, I think for me, it I, I really want our youth and listeners to remember that financial wellbeing is really within your reach. It's within your hands, it's your power, right? Whether you believe you're going to be wealthy or not you right, is the bottom line. Whatever we believe is actually going to come to fruition. So by by making sure that you manage your your money wisely, that you educate yourself, invest for the future, and thereby you can kind of overcome your economic challenges you can do build a secure financial future And with that, Arthi we've reached the end of our episode.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

No, it's always fun. We love talking about these things, because he's so passionate.

Malika Petersen:

Absolutely, it makes us warm & fuzzy inside. So what is your parting shot, arthi for today?

Arthi Rabikrisson:

Okay. Well, I mean, Malika, you mentioned the the conference that I spoke at last month. And you know, what was astounding to me when I was doing that talk and preparing for it was she how little we take our well being into account, because you know what everybody, if you look at us from a holistic perspective, does influence us pretty much at every segment, financially, too. So every decision we make is based on circumstances in the various facets of our life. And when we cultivate and hone our human intelligence to be creative, and solutions focused and positive, as well as to be agile, we can move through anything with ease. So I thought to celebrate, and ignite this momentum that I can feel is building because of our episode. And also, you know, for you as our youth and for those that are going to enable our youth towards actually getting a better sense of self, a better possibility towards stretching and becoming more agile. So because it's my birthday month, I'm going to be offering a 15% discount to all listeners who reach out to me on my email, it's for youth assessments that I offer, which are neuroscience based. So there's actually two that I offer, there's the neuro agility profile, student performance assessment, which is for students between the ages of 16 and 24. And the second one is the neuro agility profile, toolbox assessment, which is for children between the ages of 11 and 17. So please do visit my website, For further details about these assessments. And you know what, I can't wait to share insights with you and help continue our youth towards a better better financial future.

Malika Petersen:

Wow, Arthi that is just phenomenal. I mean, listeners, please be sure to grab this opportunity. I think it you know why this makes me so excited is that you knew I mean, you one of the people that are shared about how passionate I am about making sure that the financial futures of South Africa as a whole is better. And it starts with the youth right. And I want to share a little something that I recently read before before I share my parting shots. A dream is made up of the D which is discipline, the R which is routine, the E which is education, the A which is action, and the M which is mentality. And the reason I'm sharing that is because the tips and tools and habits that Arthi and I share in all of our episodes, they require discipline, we are fully aware of that. And we fully aware that night you know, 90 odd percent of human being don't follow these tips and tricks or this is too hard or difficult to find excuses about why not to do so. That's the first thing is discipline. The second is routine repetition and making sure that you wake up every morning that you remember your gratitude that you write down your aspirations that you that you focus and visualise yourself being wealthy. It requires repetition and routine that you do on a regular basis through education. But as you and I are always talking about.Action everything requires action. Make sure you do your budget, make sure you track this pain, make sure these are all the actions that are so important to you achieving your goal and then your mentality. We talk about this over and over again. Make sure that you believe like I said whether you believe that you're going to be wealthy or not? You are right. And that's the truth that is the truth Right. So I think that brings me to my parting shot, which, and this one really comes from our heart. I truly believe that the youth of today have the best possible chance of changing and creating real positive financial futures. South Africa has a troubled past. And I'm fully aware that means that some people can't see those opportunities, but it takes one of you to make the decision to find those opportunities and pursue them and create to intergenerational wealth. That's not going to only benefit your family, but it will really change the economic future of South Africa as well.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

I'm so inspired oh my goodness, Viva our youth viva.

Malika Petersen:

Viva. The present and the brightest future for our continent and the world

Arthi Rabikrisson:

I cannot agree more shift Malika definitely.

Malika Petersen:

Take care, everyone until next time, ciao.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

Take care, ciao.


Sharing is caring.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

And knowledge is power.

Malika Petersen:

Time for you to be daring

Arthi Rabikrisson:

and let your money confidence bloom like a sunflower.

Malika Petersen:

Thanks for joining us. We hope you found these ideas and guidance useful.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

Do subscribe, share and write a review or send us comments. We would love to hear from you.

Malika Petersen:

Catch you on the next episode

Arthi Rabikrisson:

of the Swan effect podcast.

Malika Petersen:

Bye for now.

Arthi Rabikrisson:


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