The Swan Effect - Creating and Sustaining Your Financial Wellbeing

S2 E11 Create Your Infinity Legacy

Arthi Rabikrisson and Malika Petersen Season 2 Episode 11

In Season 2 episode 11, Arthi & Malika take your moneyverse to the next level by discussing how to create your infinity legacy. This really is about taking those steps to ensure that the wealth that we create is able to stand the test of time and allow future generations to build on it.

Using the example of a 23 year old who's entering the job market and doesn't have any financial history or baggage just yet, gives us insights into the decisions that can be made at that stage, that creates a financial and educational legacy. 

Malika reminds us of the strategy of paying yourself first and outlines how to split that payment into savings & investments. Arthi explains the next step in creating a lasting  legacy and moneyverse is having multiple sources of income and generously provides an abundance of ideas & income revenues.

Malika & Arthi discuss how career paths are not as rigid as they once were and the importance of growing & developing yourself and being flexible while you navigate in your path. Both ladies share their own stories and  the changes of their paths. 

Lastly Arthi reintroduces the term debt solutions and how these are not all created equal. The hosts discuss securing fixed assets in order to use the leverage to generate wealth over time.

Listen in to hear Malika and Arthi:

  • Explain the difference between saving & investing
  • highlight the importance of diversification
  • showcase having various sources of  income
  • how you can grow & develop  your career path
  • outline relevant debt solutions
  • underscore the importance of having a financial advisor

And so much more!

Remember: “we not defined by the career that we have or what we earn, but rather than the decision that we take when spending”

We would love to hear your views based on the concepts covered in this episode. 

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This episode is proudly sponsored by Old Mutual Wealth.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

Your legacy is about more than just investment returns. It's about the peace of mind that comes with knowing your investments are in the right hands and that you've partnered with an investment manager who has the right skills and experience to grow your wealth. Old mutual wealth is a world class investment destination, offering you a wide range of investment strategies and specialist wealth management solutions. Whether your goal is to grow your wealth, generate income or preserve capital, old mutual wealth selects the best and most suitable investments based on your investment strategy and their extensive research and insights together with your financial planner, old mutual wealth team of experienced specialists go to great lengths to understand what really drives you. Once they know your priorities. They model a strategy around your specific needs supported by a multi skilled team dedicated to taking your wealth further. Whether your goal is to grow your wealth, generate income or preserve and pass on capital, Old mutual wealth is here to partner with you on this journey so that you can do more, have more, leave more and be mor.Old mutual wealth is an advice led wealth management business aimed at providing financial planners and their clients with a full suite of industry leading strategies and services. For more information, please visit their website at Hi, there, I'm Arthi Rabikrisson Hello, I'm Malika Peterson. Welcome to

Malika Petersen:

The swan effect podcast.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

Money makes the world go round. Yet it's not so easy to understand its complexities, particularly when it comes to investing.

Malika Petersen:

That's why Arthi and I are using this platform to educate, inspire and help you gain confidence in your relationship with money

Arthi Rabikrisson:

so that you can better manage your finances and investments.

Malika Petersen:

We are two women in finance.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

That's pretty cool, isn't it?

Malika Petersen:

It certainly is. You've been in stock broking private wealth management, asset management and now an award winning business woman who is coaching and assisting businesses with capital and strategic advice

Arthi Rabikrisson:

and Malika you have a wealth of experience in wealth, excuse the plan in financial planning, investments and relationship management. So you're also at the coalface when it comes to where and how people are investing, or getting it right and getting it wrong

Malika Petersen:

and stuck in the gray areas to. Indeed, I've seen the many phases and moods of financial cycle and how our decisions at those times impact us. So listeners and subscribers if you are looking to get unstuck, feel empowered and make some strides in how you tackle your money. We are here to help you.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

And it all starts with listening to this upcoming episode. Enjoy. Listeners I am so excited about today's topic. Today, we are taking our money verse to the next level. And I'm especially excited because as a parent, I am being reminded about all these tips that I can share with my son to ensure that he's equipped to make these decisions in order to generate wealth. Hi Malika. welcome you as well. How are you?

Malika Petersen:

Hi, it I'm always well. You are 100% Correct. Today's episode is very special and very dear to my heart in fact. Right? And I think as such it deserves a special title. So our episode today is on creating your infinite legacy right. That always makes me think of that key one line from the well loved Disney movie To infinity and beyond.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

Yeah, I love that. Love it, love it. Love it. As the title says everyone this is really about taking those steps to ensure that the wealth we are creating is able to stand the test of time, and very importantly, allows future generations to actually build on it. So, Malika up until now we've been discussing measures that our listeners can actually take to change the financial well being going forward and you know, we're very cognizant that, you know, these are suggestions that our listeners will be taking decisions, it's things that they've also done in the past. It could have positively or even negatively impacted the financial well being. So there's a whole lot in terms of that history that probably they're sitting with right now. But everyone, you know, for the purposes of today's episode, we assume that we're talking about a 23 year old adult who's entering the job market. And he's actually starting on a bit of a clean slate. Okay, so just bear that in mind in terms of the discussion we're going to have today.

Malika Petersen:

Yeah, I think that's a great idea Arthi, because, you know, this term allows us to examine how to create the ultimate moneyverse, that will last To infinity and beyond, regardless of what the starting point is right and it also allows us to share information that will create not only a financial legacy for our children, but an educational one as well, we just celebrated Youth Day in South Africa and I believe that this message will really equip future generations to take more formed financial decisions. So let's jump right into it. Let's talk about all all the things that we need to talk about today. So the first important thing that I want to talk about is the difference between saving & investing. Now, this is an important distinction, because understanding that difference really does allow us to create spheres of money that serves different purposes. So here I am a 23 year old because you're as young as you feel and lets just assume that I get my first paycheck, right? So the first rule, if our listeners remember correctly, is to pay yourself

Arthi Rabikrisson:

Pay yourself first, yes, I remeber absolutely.

Malika Petersen:

So this means that at least 30% of my salary needs to be set aside before I start to calculate what our budget is for living expenses, right, and of that 10% goes into saving. Now let me explain what saving is, saving is a sphere of money, that is the sole purpose of being kept aside so that it can be spent at a later date right? This may mean saving towards a holiday, saving for an expensive hobby, or simply just saving in the event of a rainy day like an emergency.

Arthi Rabikrisson:


Malika Petersen:

Remember, we discussed this concept of delayed gratification? What delayed gratification does is that it helps us to avoid using unsecured lending facility.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

Yes, yeah.

Malika Petersen:

It's important that money used for savings or kept for savings should always be kept in an easily accessible interest bearing vehicle, like a savings account, for example, so that is savings, the other 20% should be for investment. And this should really be invested in any of the stock assets that we discussed previously. Bearing in mind that diversification is always important. We chatted about that previously, and we'll chat about it in the future again, but essentially, this includes assets like shares, bonds, crypto, currency, ETFs, and all the other investment options that exist. The sole purpose of this money investment money, is that these investments need to grow in value. That's not the only thing they need to do. They also generate dividends. Now, what's the important thing about dividends, dividends generated from investment can be reinvested to buy more assets, right?

Arthi Rabikrisson:

We love assets, yeah.

Malika Petersen:

We absolutely love assets. Because what does this means it creates the cycle, when we use dividends to buy more assets, those assets, create more dividends, we are able to buy more assets and those create. So essentially, we creating a wealth creation cycle that is, eventually be used as an income stream.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

You know, I love that there's so many interesting and wonderful components and remember listeners, these are not new concepts. We've been talking about it, but we feel it's so important to reiterate this for you. It is specifically on that, specifically on those distinctions between saving and investing and really loved how you did that Malika. And then also about, you know, how are we actually paying ourselves here. So as a 23 year old, I do want to pay myself but I also need to be thinking about my saving for those other things. And then this wealth cycle, snooty, as we said, in the last episode, we wanting our money to make money babies and to continue to grow, so that's all a part of it. Yeah. Okay, so Malika so maybe let me carry on from there then. I would say the next step then, in creating the kind of moneyverse and legacy everyone that does last To infinity and beyond is ensuring that we create these multiple sources of income. We've spoken about this previously as well. And there's so many options available today. We really do have a wide opprtunity set to be able to generate income from so many online businesses. I mean, this is one of the, I suppose the positives that came out of the pandemic that we've emerged out of, in the fact that it's fast tracked, the ability to do so much online, our own creativity that we can tap into as well can bring so much to the fore. And you know, in this era, where people are experiencing things such as burnout, and we're focusing and shifting towards wellbeing in a really big way, and untapping your creativity, and getting paid for it, everyone is going to be phenomenal. And other things is, you know, we all are sitting with different types of skills, things that are teachable, that we can impart to others. So that also is something that you can think about, in terms of, of being able to generate income from your insight, expertise and knowledge. And things could be, for example, something a little bit more bricks and mortar, like, like buying a vending machine, and then leasing that out, you know, placing it in a in a really good traffic area, where you know, you're gonna get feets, and people will be wanting to, to spend , depending on what type of vending machine is, of course, there's so many different types now, opening up a little pop up shop, you know, for maybe something that you do have an interest in be it fashion, or, or tech whatever the case may be, but pop up stores, I mean, they really do very well, I've noticed and I'm sure you to have as well, Malika. And then And then, you know, just on that vein of selling things, I mean, going back to the online selling online, I've just seen so many opportunities coming up for things like secondhand clothing and vintage things that you can do all online, its amazing. So everyone, I guess what I'm trying to say it's, it's really important that we choose these additional sources of income that actually are not going to take up too much of your personal time and effort. Because, I mean, we've only got so much of time in the day, we've only got so much energy in the day, and we do have different facets of our life that we want to give energy and time to. So you know, we want something that's going to be sustainable for the long run. Okay, and, you know, again, let me just add in some, just some other ideas that are coming to the fore here around me, you know, hobbies, for example, where you're going to turn that into something that we can create an income for you. It could be things around a course perhaps, or even a step by step sort of a how to guide how do I do this? How do I build out in that, you know, others can use that that's, that's big and trending at the moment, your ability to maybe play any musical instrument of some sort. And in so many people, even I, I'd love to learn different musical instrument, and I typically do go home to like a YouTube or somewhere to try and get classes on there. So why not create something like that we know a lot of students are looking for better learning opportunities as well. So, you know, maybe you could think about some quick hacks that you know, that you that a student might find really useful to build on. And they would, they would actually, you know, benefit from that in terms of their schooling or or university, whatever stage they're at, and other creative pursuits like painting and photography. I mean, these are just examples coming off the top of my head. You know there was something I think we had spoken about previously as well on this bigger level. And those bricks and mortar level as well. Malika was around a storage company. Right? So storage space. I mean, so many people, so many of us are moving into smaller spaces, but we've got tons of stuff, and we need that extra storage. So that could be a really, really interesting opportunity. What about considering a franchise, I mean, franchising in South Africa has always been popular, mainly, of course, in the in the food segment, but there's so many different franchises available out there. If you don't want to go into food, there's lots of different opportunities. So, you know, money, tagging back to what you were saying. So all of these wonderful pursuits and ideas that I've shared with everyone, remember everyone, it's about funding, starting these potential opportunities from your accumulated savings, okay, and that's where that money should be coming in. And the rest, we must be investing that income that's been generated as much as we can, going back to what we're saying, we're creating that wealth cycle, okay. So when we're investing in the assets that we're that we're putting money into, when we're investing the income that we're generating, all of this is going to grow in value, we're going to generate dividends as well. And it continues to keep that cycle turning. Yeah, Malika.

Malika Petersen:

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And I think it's important that if you know if they take if our listeners, take one thing away from this entire episode, it's been importance, of ensuring that that cycle continue that is that is the most important thing right? So there's third little nugget that I want to share Arthi is about career pathing and, and your growth and development. Now traditionally, we went to school we chose our subjects in grade 10, that genuinely informed what we studied at university, we me that many individuals are not defined by the career path they may have or the path that they chose in the late school. Now, I've got a colleague, I've got a colleague for examples, daughters in grade 10. And she has been going through a significant amount of stress in terms of deciding on, well she is in grade 10 next year. So she's going through quite a bit of stress in terms of deciding subjects that she needs to choose. I, my son is in grade 10, my middle, my middle boy, he's in grade 10. And I remember last year, you went through a similar amount of stress. I think I've said before that I'm one of those parents that believe my children need to do whatever brings them joy, right. So I don't I don't place too much pressure on them when it comes to schooling. And, essentially, I have this conversation and I said to him, it really doesn't matter. Like, you know, kind of choose anything, and we'll take it from there. And let's hear when you start with one or two of the subjects, he has changed subjects, right. He got access and enjoyed it. I want to go on a different path. And we worked very well with the school for him to be able to do that. Okay, but I think the point I'm trying to make is that, you know, when I spoke to my colleague, I say to please just take the stress away from your daughter, that's the first step because they can always change. Yes, the path is one that we take, but it's not one that's defined to the point that we can never change it. Now, I want to be clear, both education and career paths are very important. Right? And it does allow us to start that process of creating our moneyverse , but it really isn't the be all in indoor field are many people out there who change their career path. They made career changes a few times in their lifetime with success. I mean, I am one example. I studied IT after school, right. But the universe has other plans. And I'm really doing the kind of work that keeps me energized and motivated and you my friend have a very similiar story why dont you share that with our listeners

Arthi Rabikrisson:

Oh, my goodness Malika. Well, I've chuckling because Exactly. I'm resonating with what you've just said. Shew so I mean, when you talk about the universe having other plans? Yeah, we I agree with that, you know, we may initially think this is what I'm going to be doing right. And then this is my, my path for the rest of my life. But you know, in terms of my own career story, Malika, you know, when I was in school couldn't so let's start there. And I mean, also, we both understand this dynamic of choosing your subjects in grade 9, in preparation for grade 10 and beyond, right. So at the time, and this is one very, very young, for some reason or the other, I got it into my head that I want to be a doctor, not just any doctor, a cardiothoracic surgeon, I was very specific. Don't ask me where i found this termonology from, but very fancy, right? So all through my schooling career, that's what I was working towards, even in my subject choices, you know, this is now back in the day, I'm giving my age away, but there was like, all these s course types that you had to choose, you could get into the medical fields, I chose that right. And then guess what? I went through the process, I did well, in school, I got the grades. I got accepted into med school, even Malika early acceptance. And when it came to actually pull the trigger, I said, No, this is not sitting well with me anymore and I mean, you can imagine my parents and those who knew that this is what I wanted to do with what's going on here. You've been working towards this while you're in school. Yeah, exactly. You know, and I was like, I just it's not sitting well with me it so as much as I'd worked for it, it wasn't there so I ended up going with my second choice for university and that was to do actuarial science, which is trending at that time. And I suppose it's still trending at this time even. And only only to find that in my first year of doing actuarial science. I actually didn't enjoy the subjects. And then I had to make a different career choice in varsity as well. And in fact, Malika I made a few different choices similar to your son and trying out different subjects. That was me throughout my my sort of my university career until eventually I landed on something that was business related. So finance and economics degree with those majors. And I thought yaAlright, fabulous. I've done with this, this is what I'm going to do. And then you hit a stumbling block. So many graduates are going to understand this. And I completely get this finding a job. Getting straight out of school or university is very hard. So I myself, I was unemployed, unemployed, straight out of Varsity, I had great grades. But here I was sitting thinking, Oh, my God, like, I can't find a job, what's going on. But you know what, in that time, I ended up going back home. And I spent time with my dad. So my dad is a business owner. By that time, he was running a little convenience store and said, Look, I'm gonna learn some skills for my dad, he's a businessman. Let me learn some of the ropes. And so that's what I did. When we went down to our small hometown in KZN I did learn some really, really valuable skills. And guess what fast forward now to where I am today. I'm a business owner. I'm running my own business. And it harks back to some of those experiences that I had with my dad running his business, my mum, doing you know, the financials and being very thrifty and understanding how to make that money stretch , you know, when you earn it. And it also slavered, my corporate career. So when I finally did get my first job, as I started to build my career, I started to take up little businesses and side hustles on the side, so things that were a hobby or creatively inclined, because that's what I love to do, as well. Glaring opportunities to even turn a profit. I mean, I think my mind was just so good, that had to do it, and i did So coming into the career path as well, again, it was not a straight path of I get into finance or investments. And off I go, No, no, no, I mean, I've changed and navigated similiar to you, as you said, you started in IT and look at where you're at and where you're at now. I started as a very technical financial analyst, I went into sales from that to Business Development Executive, very successful. And now here I am doing leadership coaching, among other things in my business. So I get your point, you know, and I think the key message I really want to, you know, get out there with our listeners and sharing my own stories is that our parts really are varied. And you know what, everyone? That is, okay, it's extremely Okay. All right. We grow from adapting from shifting of nudging from trying out new things. And, you know, underlying all of this, I know, everyone's probably thinking, you know, have I built wealth from all this income that I'm generating along the way? Because that's what we're talking about? And yes, it is a resounding yes, for me, because part of being career and income savvy is also about knowing how your money can compound while you sleep over that, that's always been a big thing for me. And over the years, thanks to some key influences I've mentioned already in my life, key accountability partners, that also came into my life as well. I've really built Oh, a wonderfully diverse moneyverse. And as we're speaking now, it's still growing.

Malika Petersen:

Ya ya. That is a truly Arthi, you know, you've set a really, really great life example. And I think the key is that we we need to ensure that our wealth is not only generated by what we earn in our day to day job, to your point, right. Our money has to grow, we have to have little money earning while we sleeping our money must have their own money. That is obviously yeah, and and I think, you know, how we navigate our career path. And also, you know, the decisions that we take our wealth is really, really influenced by the decisions that we take on how we spend our earnings and not by what we earn that's the important point.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And I think that also just naturally leads us to perhaps the fourth and final step in creating your moneyverse, so that it lasts and becomes that infinity legacy. You know, everyone, you know, when you start working, banks and other financial institutions start to offer you debt solutions, right. And I remember as very clearly as well, who everyone was throwing some sort of new opportunity for me get a loan here, get some credit here. Ill admit I felt I felt very loved by my bank and financial institution. And you know, what, everyone, it's so easy to take it in, because it's a very quick acknowledgement that yes, I accept and suddenly, you've got this whole pile of money available to you, right. However, as we discussed in our last episode, right, short term, or unsecured lending, please to think about avoiding it, right? Because there is there is other types of debt solutions that can absolutely increase your moneyverse but these shorter term ones, I mean, man, if we look at the we've we've spent a lot of time talking about this is when you look at what you're going to end up having to repay on the shorter term or unsecured lending. It really does become quite unaffordable, right. So I guess the tip I'm offering here for everyone is the types of data can actually help you is things that you are investing in, that are going to offer you that income over a longer period. So something like affordable property, okay? Property has always been something that offers you opportunities and upside, right? So think about how can I get into the property space as soon as possible? And now, obviously, I'm not saying that, okay, you know, you're buying a property, now you're gonna have to go live in it. No, no, no, thats not what we're talking about, we're talking about, you know, also that affordability factor in the type of property you're going to buy, right, because as a 23 year old, good to see you just started working, you're not going to be able to afford the biggest property. Someday, you know, something, we might still be living with your parents perhaps, or whatever the dynamic may be. But the idea here is that you can actually take ownership of an asset, and this asset can then provide you in the case of property, rental income, that'll allow you to then pay off other items, including the debt that you've taken on it. And get this everyone you can leverage that right to think about bigger investments. So it's actually building up a little bit of that history credit history in a very positive way, for your ability to partake in other types of assets and investments down the line. So remember, though, property as I'm talking about it, and I know I've kind of skewed it a little bit towards residential here Malika. But it's not only residential properties, that that that you can look at. Remember, earlier, I mentioned a storage unit, right, that's another option. From a property perspective. We could look at commercial, so business premises as well. These are all different types. I'm just giving you a few examples, but different types, they can provide you with an income

Malika Petersen:

You know, I think that's been important point. I mean, there's so many property investment companies out there that could assist with rental solution that also may suit your needs more, more more effectively, you're actually, at this stage, I'm also reminded Arthi of the importance, of having a good financial advisor, I think, very often, especially when we starting out, because dammit, we are independent. And it's the first time that we earning our own money. And we feel like we don't need to consult somebody about the money decision. It is very important to consult a financial adviser number one they are equipped with tools and resources to kind of help us to, to develop and navigate our plan more effectively, but secondly they that active that that accountability coach that you kind of spoke about earlier, which is really, really important, especially when we are starting out

Arthi Rabikrisson:

Oh, absolutely. Malika that was actually my experience, you know, I, I, when I started my first job, actually did have a financial adviser approached me, believe it or not, so I didn't even have to go looking. But someone was actually proactive enough to reach out to me to say, Hey, I know you've just started. But would you like some financial advice along the way? Can we discuss and I had that meeting with with this person. And believe it or not fast forward all these many years, he's still one of our financial advisors. So you know, it's part of that ecosystem of financial support that we need to build out for ourselves that we've keep reiterating episode after episode, but it really does pay it really does help. So yeah, absolutely agree with that. And thanks for reminding us Malika, about that as well. Okay, so I mean, recap. We've covered quite a few different things. So this kept our listeners, okay, what we what we're talking about you so step one that we mentioned, is ensuring that we are both saving, and investing in assets that are going to increase in value, and also generate that additional income through things like dividends, dividend declarations, and then the next step is creating those multiple streams of income that allows us to grow our moneyverse

Malika Petersen:

Absolutely Arthi And then kind of next after that, we spoke about the importance of career while understanding that there are many options available. And that we not defined by the career that we have or what we earn, but rather than the decision that we take when spending that is how you wealth is created. Absolutely. And then lastly, we spoke about securing fixed assets as soon as possible, then using the leverage to generate even more wealth over time and that leads me to my parting shot Arthi. So the universe is a big and beautiful place and the ability to generate and grow while is truly infinite. Despite what we been led to believe it isn't true with infinite when they are deliberate about the decisions that we take, when we spend our hard earned money, we really start to build the kind of moneyverse that will last for many generation To infinity and beyond. How about you Arthi what is your parting shot

Arthi Rabikrisson:

Okay, so I think for me, when I think about creating that infinite legacy or infinity legacy, it's something that should actually be partly internalized, and also externalize. So I suppose let me qualify that a little bit more. So when I'm talking about internally, I mean, it should actually be a burning desire within us to shift that narrative fundamentally, you know, so to be thinking about, okay, yes, I'm setting myself up. But I'm also setting up the generations to come in my family in my ecosystem of influence. So that's what I'm saying that that must reside within a person to be wanting to do that. And then on the external side, this is then the deliberate action, you know, the steps that we're taking to ensure that this burning desire if I was actually fulfilled, okay, I firmly believe that once we actually set ourselves that really purposeful goal, or target, that's when we truly get our head into the game. And we make that dream a reality. So listeners, I'm encouraging you get your armor on, put your helmets on, be ready to face this gauntlet. Right, right. Because I know many people see this as a gauntlet, but guess what, the payoff is there. And it will continue to pay off for years to come.

Malika Petersen:

O yeah and the ongoing payoff I mean, that just sounds impossible, right? But of course, that we know that it's not impossible. It's not if we start as soon as possible and get our 23 year old and younger to galvanize towards achieving their own financial liberty as soon as possible.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

I think it makes a huge difference to be able to do it at a young age and Malika you're gonna laugh I've already told my five year old that he needs to start earning his keep. And you know, he's so curious as all the five year olds are right? And then he says to me, but Mommy, what does that mean? You know, what does it mean to us earn my keep? And of course, I explained it to him as simply as I can. And then Oh my God, listen to this. He says to me, can I earn money by being a cutie pie? And make videos of cuteness?

Malika Petersen:

That is way too cute. It sounds like you'll have a little video maker on you ahnds.

Arthi Rabikrisson:

I know right? Like a YouTuber this is so so in for this generation. Right? And you know what, who knows? Maybe he's his videos are gonna go viral status and beyond.

Malika Petersen:

Wishing you and all our listeners all of the best on the legacy building journey, until next time

Arthi Rabikrisson:

until next time everyone Ciao for now.

Malika Petersen:

Sharing is caring

Arthi Rabikrisson:

and knowledge is power.

Malika Petersen:

Time for you to be daring

Arthi Rabikrisson:

and let your money confidence bloom like a sunflower.

Malika Petersen:

Thanks for joining us. We hope you found these ideas and guidance useful

Arthi Rabikrisson:

do subscribe, share and try to review or send us comments. We would love to hear from you.

Malika Petersen:

Catch you on the next episode

Arthi Rabikrisson:

Of the Swan effect podcast

Malika Petersen:

bye for now.

Arthi Rabikrisson:


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