The Swan Effect - Creating and Sustaining Your Financial Wellbeing

S2E5 The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Arthi Rabikrisson and Malika Petersen Season 2 Episode 5

In our 2022 wrap up episode 5 of Season 2, Arthi and Malika helps you look at a truly wonderful gift that really does keep on giving: your investments.

The festive season is upon us and it is very easy to become swept up with wanting to spoil loved ones (and yourself) with treats, especially with all the specials around, pots Black Friday and Cyber Monday too. That 13th cheque or bonus that you may receive this month could be used to feed that desire, or can be used to set you up for even greater spoils down the line.

To help you think about it from this perspective Malika and Arthi nudge you to think about the following questions, as part of your reflection for the year that has been and what you are hoping to gain in 2023:

  • Why do I need to invest?
  • How much risk do I need to take to grow my wealth?
  • How long should I be invested for?
  • When is the right time to disinvest?
  • How do I prioritise investing when I have so many commitments and responsibilities to other?
  • How do I deal with the voice in my mind that tells me to spend without thinking of the consequences?

As part of these reflections, Arthi and Malika offer:

  • how to use visualisation as a way to stop immediate consumption and consider investing to reach those goals you truly desire
  • practical examples of the impact and benefit of compounding - one of the best friends you can ever have!
  • real world investor habits who use investment opportunities wisely
  • making investing a forethought, not an afterthought
  • the concept of delayed gratification and how it can offer a substantial opportunity for legacy creation

It can be a difficult journey figuring out how and where to go about investing. Seeking out support is crucial. But if you hit a setback in your money management and investing journey, follow what Arthi says: "if you fail once, you don’t throw in the towel, rather fetch a new towel and hang it up differently!"

We would love to hear your views based on the concepts covered in this episode. 

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Have a fruitful festive season and New Year listeners and subscribers!

This episode is proudly sponsored by Old Mutual Wealth.

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